Working Paper, CONCLUDE project
Analysis of the environmental criteria impacting a product’s demand using the double-coding method
Hajboune Sofia, Laura Palacios-Argüello, Natacha Gondran
Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ Lyon, Univ Jean Moulin, Univ Lumière, Univ Jean Monnet, ENTPE, INSA Lyon, ENS Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5600 EVS, Institut Henri Fayol, F – 42023 Saint-Etienne France
May 2018
The business models of companies are starting to shift towards a new version that includes the environmental dimensions. Being “green” or “eco-friendly” is no longer a choice but a duty that may also be used as a leverage. The present paper studies the effect of environmental criteria on a product’s demand from a Business-to-Business point of view. Firstly, a literature review is conducted in order to frame the subject. The next step is to categorize the environmental criteria preselected and drawn from the bibliographical research. Furthermore, it must be emphasised that the current study is conducted from a second coder angle of view following the double-coding method which is used in qualitative analyses. The results obtained facilitate the decision-making for the stakeholders since it defines more precisely the priorities.
Article scientifique Hajboune et al (2018)